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Bkav Mobile Security Crack Android: How to Solve Common Problems and Issues

what's up guys for today's video Iwanted to touch on something differentyet still directly related to what'sgoing on in fast for a while now I'veknown that the application used to modfats is called game guardian and that inorder to use it you must have a rootedandroid device but what really is gameguardian on the surface it's anapplication that lets you modify gamesallowing the user to achieve thehundreds maybe even thousands of peopledecide fast hackers have thisapplication knowing this I decided todig deeper into finding out more aboutgame guardian and I'll share with youguys what I found when I first startedskimming along the web for information Idecided to see if the apple is availableon the place order because that's whereall the safe and trusted apps aredownloaded right one surprisingly it wasnowhere to be found but of course thisisn't enough to raise any suspicions soin order to download game guardian we'dhave to go to their website and so I didbut upon entering this site I was metwith a pop-up saying that the website orits third-party tools uses cookies thatis necessary for the sites of motionfor those of you who don't know whatcookies are it's basically a packet ofdata set by the internet server to abrowser which is returned by the browsereach time in steps of 1 can access tothe same server which is then used toidentify the user war tractor accidentto the server and of course this is softbecause you can just clear on yourcookies afterwards but it still seems alittle fishy just by proceeding on thewebsite you open yourself up to theunknown so I chose not to now going alittle deeper I decided to use searchterms like game guardian virus and Istumbled upon a post on Reddit the pulseexplained that game guardian had beeninstalled on their phone for a few weeksnow so they finally opened their Googlesettings out after closing a messagefrom the app popped up saying spookycave guardian immediately claiming thatthe app to potentially activates harmfulthings of the device now before a lot ofyou have come across this message andthought nothing of it doubting that itwasn't a malware problem too carried onit most likely is it about where fromstill thinking that it's just googledetecting a tool that lets you modifytheir apps is dangerous thinking becauseyou're taking major risks withdownloading an app like this there areother people who posted below say thatno issues with even one of thedevelopers of game guardian trying tojustify that is durable because it's ahacking tool but here's where it getssketchy after the reddit page i found anfaq page on game Guardians website a fewpeople found out that when they use thesite's download link the second app withthe same the bitch's game guardian wasalso being downloaded on their phone theapt is called catch me if you can rightoff the bat that would raise one pedalarm in my head what the hell was catchme if you can the user goes also askabout this close that the depth don'thave malicious intentions the developersare small with no explanation to whatthe app is it says you cannot trust thisdon't install games on unit don't usinginteresting instead of assuring securityand safety and then updates you deservedistrust in a way it seems like reversepsychology like oh you don't trust usthen don't you see at someone then triesto explain by saying that they believeit is just a name placeholder as the newpackage with youname being installed whatever that meansI personally refused to compromise thesafety of the journey of my devicescreens on trust and beliefnow for the last bit of interestinginformation on this faq page at thebottom of solid commented that Hagrid'sin the sites of plant bugs and virusesis that the website is to be refreshednow although there isn't any evidence tosupport that statement it makes mewonder what else could be attached tothe websites link and who could beattaching these things well ladies andgentlemen I've discovered the answertaking my last plunger to see ifinformation I finally came across thegold line with the link title gameguardian unsafe I was curious and wenton to read what they had to say andthere was in all caps of red catch me ifyou can as a tracker they go on toexplain that it was the secondinstallation along with Kang Guardianthat they didn't catch and so they wentthese are settings essentially it's aspyware that allows access to calls textcontacts GPS location web data evencamera and mic functions holy shit andwhat makes this true is that in order toaccess the code in your game whileyou're playing requires direct accessinto your systems and take an outtakedata meaning that your phone security iscurrently compromised that informationlike bank cards passwords emails textsand more are not only seen by you butwith whoever's at the other end of thatvery safe spyware that secretlyinstalled on your device thus explainingwhy there's two points of root accesswhich is similar to the control thescreen recorder which happens to besilent what activatedpotentially access your screen and Mikewithout you know a game guardian isdangerous lastly for the icing on thecake that another user search casuallyas you can and saw the poofynevada-based alpha fraud whichdefinitely hits out the fact that gameguardian to counterparty to lead toInfante and odd things on your device itseems they tried asking the devs aboutit on the forum but it's been closed fordiscussion and it seems they're tryingto avoid people bringing it up andlastly his antivirus system detectedgame guardian as a trojan back door thatgoes malicious users remote control overthe infective device so there you haveit guys this is why game guardian disdangerous is cheating in a game reallyworth compromising the security of yourmobile device I'd say it's literallylike selling your device's soul but letme know in the comments below and I'llsee you guys in the next videoyou

bkav mobile security crack android


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