Download Fedena source code from GitHub. Extract the downloaded .tar archive to a convenient location where you would be running fedena . Let us say we extracted it to a directory named fedena in my home() directory.
Open the file database.yml in the config folder of the fedena soucre. Change the following details:database: fedena - The name of the database you want to use for fedenausername: root - Mysql username for fedenapassword: mypass - The password for the above mysql user
Fedena Pro Ultimate Nulled 13
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Installing Fedena on Centos is a bit tricky since most of the stack used to run fedena is not available as packages and has to be compiled and installed from their sources. The Centos version 5.4, the version I used to test fedena, comes with a version of Ruby that is very old. So here is what you should do to get Fedena up and running. First the plan. Our plan is to install the Centos, Nginx (and passenger), MySQL and RoR stack and then install fedena. The instructions here are for installing on a VPS with a VM, installing it on your laptop or other hardware is similar.
Recollect the password you provided when you installed MySQL'Open the file database.yml in the config folder of the fedena source. Change the following details:database: fedena - The name of the database you want to use for fedenausername: root - Mysql username for fedenapassword: mypass - The password for the above mysql user 2ff7e9595c